- 用 Grammarly 来查你的语法结构;
- 用 ChatGPT 来帮你做文章润色,或者使用 quillbot 润色加工;
- 用 DeepL Writing 来做单独某一句话的打磨。
接下来就是把手弄脏的时间啦,开始写吧!不管你写成什么样子 ChatGPT 都能帮你凹回来哒!这里给你提供一些很好用的 Prompt:
This is a practice for the IELTS writing test, please list all the mistakes I made and give a list of suggestions to improve the article.
这样她就会开始输出一大堆建议,接下来我们请 ChatGPT 帮你凹文章:
Can you polish the article with the suggestion you give, rephrase every single sentence to make it looks more professional, and get at least 8 marks in IELTS?
请注意这里我加了一句「and get at least 8 marks in IELTS?」,也就是请帮助我在雅思当中得8分。这个8分是很重要的,你给他提供的要求不一样,他输出的范文也会不一样,你可以请她帮你改 6 作文,也可以改 7 分作文或者 8 分作文。具体修作文的标准取决于你当前的语言能力水平。比如说你现在如果是 4.5分 的一个水平,那你可以请 ChatGPT 帮你修成 6 分作文(这里会建议最低修成 6 分作文,修成 5 分作文是没有意义的)。
在请 ChatGPT 小姐帮你修作文的时候不太建议「越级打怪」,我曾经尝试让他帮我修一个 9 分版本的文章出来,她也的确照做了,但最后修出来的东西只能说是熟悉又陌生。它依然是我的作文,思路和我的生命经历都是一致的,但是很微妙的这文章我竟然看不懂!这样的范文对我来讲就是「不舒适」的:它对我来讲太难了,我从里面学不到东西。但是他给我修一个 8 分的时候,我就能够从里边提取出来一些我学的会的词汇、一些比较不错的表达方法。因为它是以我们自己写出来的文章为蓝本进行重写的,所以它符合我们的生命经验,只是表达的更加流畅。
ChatGPT 有一个问题是他在修语法错误的时候,给出的诊断不是非常结构化,它不会告诉你每一个语法错误对应的类别是什么,但 Grammarly 可以。所以我建议在 ChatGPT 生成完范文的同时,也用 Grammarly 检查一遍自己文章的语法错误。Grammarly 会拉一个表出来,比如说像「你的动词时态错了」、「你的介词用错了」、「你多加了冠词」等等。我们可以针对每一种语法错误进行整理和学习。这个时候你可以随便翻出来一本压箱底的语法书,或者去 YouTube 上找一些语法教学,来帮助自己理解某一个语法规则,甚至你也可以重新打开 ChatGPT 让她给你讲一些语法知识,比如说我可以这样问 ChatGPT:
The sentence: “Raised concern about its effect on health”, I’m confused about the usage of the preposition, why should I use “effect on” but not “effect to”, “effect of” or “effect for” or “effect about”?
The preposition “on” is used to indicate that something has an impact or influence on something else. In this sentence, “raised concern about its effect on health” means that there is concern about the impact or influence the effect has on health. “Effect to” would not be appropriate because it does not convey the sense of impact or influence. “Effect of” would suggest that the effect is a result or consequence of something else, rather than having an impact on something. “Effect for” would suggest that there is a benefit for health, which is not what the sentence is trying to convey. “Effect about” is not a commonly used preposition and would not be appropriate in this context.
在这里分享两个我平时常用的分析介词使用的 Prompt:
The word “[你的介系词]” is showing the relationship between the word “[前面的动词]” and “[后面的名词]”, can you explain what kind of relationship the word “about” is trying to express?
你还可以请 ChatGPT 为你解释每一个错误用法具体为什么是错的:
Now, I know the usage of “[错误搭配]”, “[错误搭配]” or “[错误搭配]” or “[错误搭配]” is wrong, can you tell me what does these expressions are trying to express if they are presented?
最后,如果你发现自己写的某个句子特别惨不忍睹,想要做一些修正,那么可以试试 DeepL Writing,比如说我们随便找一句话贴进去:
The market nowadays are increasingly competitive, both companies and employees are facing more stress to survive.
- Today’s markets are increasingly competitive. Both companies and employees are under more pressure to survive.
- Both companies and employees are under more stress to survive in today’s increasingly competitive markets.
- The market today is becoming more and more competitive and both companies and employees are facing more and more stress to survive.
唯独需要提醒的是,Grammarly 有的时候会给出错误的建议,特别是冠词纠正,绝对是有系统性的问题的。所以我会建议如果你觉得哪些纠正看起来很怪,我们可以那句话粘回 ChatGPT 做一个 Cross Validate:
The following sentence’s grammar usage iS wrong: For government, there should be policies to solve the financial problem of these young people. by delaying the loan repayment and setting up relevant subsidies. Instead 0f saying “delaying the loan repayment”, it should be “delaying loan repayment”, there shouldn’t be an article, Can you tell me the reason?
这个时候 ChatGPT 就会给你解释:
The sentence is grammatically correct. The phrase “delaying the loan repayment” is correct as it is referring to a specific type of loan repayment. The definite article “the” is used to refer to a specific noun, in this case is “the loan repayment” is a specific action that government should undertake. If you want to use “delaying loan repayment” it would mean to delaying any kind of loan repayment without specifying which one. lt could be rephrased as “For government, there should be policies to solve the financial problem of these young people by implementing measures such as delaying the repayment of specific loans and providing relevant subsidies”
ChatGPT 会告诉我们,Grammarly 其实改错了,你的写法也是对的,你想表达的意思是什么样的(虽然你自己可能都不知道自己在共三小),Grammarly 想表达的意思是什么,你更想用哪一个语义去表达,可以自己挑一个。他还告诉我们说这句话其实写的有点烂,你其实可以这样说。就像一个温柔的大姐姐一样,手把手教你怎么样去写这个作文,这就是非常好的一个指导。
通过这些在线工具学英语和学校老师不一样,它没有任何次数和时间上的的限制,我们可以无限制的去问他各种各样的问题。除此以外,在向 ChatGPT 提问时,我们可以有一个非常轻松的一个心态,他不会觉得不耐烦,也不会有任何脾气。老师也也要也要就是管管家里的孩子是吧,人家也有生活要过,人家也有卷子要批,人家也要开教研会,人家还要备课,人家有很多事情。你肯定是不能写一篇作文,一句话一句话地去问你的老师,但是在线工具无所谓!反正他就乖巧的坐在那里,你哪怕后半夜发癫想写点作文也可以随时去问他,非常便利。
至此我们已经把整篇作文涉及到的知识点都加工完了,该整理笔记啦!首先要做的是把原来自己写的那坨 Shit 丢掉,把 ChatGPT 批改过的文章工工整整地抄到本子上。这个地方我会推荐用纸笔来写,因为它能强迫我们进行加工。电子笔记没有用,啪唧一下粘到 Word 里面没有灵魂,也记不住。
接下来,所有 Grammarly 筛出来的语法错误最好也整理出来一个列表,按照语法错误的类型做一个简单的归类,最后系统性的学习对应的语法知识。